Abdellah Salhi
University of Essex
Abdellah Salhi is a Professor of Operational Research currently based at the University of Essex. He has completed his Ph.D in 1989 from Aston University and was a postdoc over many years at The University of Leeds, School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, School of Mathematics and Statistics, and The University of Southampton, Department of Electronics and Computer Sciences. He was the Head of the Department of Mathematical Sciences from 2010 to 2016. He led and leads a number of funded projects. He has supervised a number of MSc and PhD students. He is currently supervising 9 PhD students on topic ranging from modelling and solving operations as arise in container ports to the design and implementation of novel Nature-inspired algorithms for complex optimization problems and the analysis and implementation of Lanczos-type algorithms and optimization and search population based methods. He has published more than 80 papers in reputed journals and serves as an editorial board member of repute. He has attended several international conferences as a plenary speaker, keynote speaker, honorable guest, or just as an ordinary participant.
Research Interest